The {110}-oriented texture growth of diamond films on {100} Si substrate (1 x 1 cm2) could be achieved by a three-step peocedure (carburization → bias echanced nucleatio (BRN) → growth) in a microwave-plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (MPECVD) system. The surface morphologies of the films were investigared as functions of the carburization and BEN times. We demonstrated the necessity of the catburization step of at least 100 minutes to readily achieve the textured growth of a diamond film. The grain size increased with increasing carburization time or BEN time. We studied the effects of the carburization time and the BEN time on the {100}-oriented texture growth of a diamond film. The optimal BEN time was suggested by considering the carburization time. The evolution of the film morphology indicates that the increase in carburization time may decrease the tilted angle of the {100}-oriented texture morphology.
Keywords: {100}-Oriented texture growth, Diamond film, Carburization, BEN