  • Improving flue gas denitrification efficiency in the ceramic industry through anti-wear devices for natural gas catalysts
  • Jun Shia,b, Yang Xinyua, Guangjiu Chenc and Chao Zhoud,*

  • aSchool of Economics and Management, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610500, China
    bHuman Resources Research Institute, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610500, China
    cLuzhou Vocational and Technical College, 646000, Luzhou, Sichuan, China
    dSinopec Southwest Petroleum Bureau Co., Ltd., Chengdu, Sichuan, 610041, China

  • This article is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


With the rapid development of the ceramic industry, the problem of nitrogen oxides in natural gas emissions from kilns is becoming increasingly prominent. As an effective means of reducing nitrogen oxide emissions, one of the key aspects of flue gas denitrification technology lies in the use of catalysts. However, catalysts often face wear issues during long-term operation, which not only affects denitrification efficiency but also increases operating costs. Therefore, studying and applying catalyst anti wear devices is of great significance for improving the efficiency of flue gas denitrification in the ceramic industry and reducing environmental pollution. This article aims to explore the application of anti-wear devices for natural gas flue gas denitrification catalysts in the ceramic industry, analyze their design principles, application effects, and optimization strategies, in order to provide useful references for the further development of flue gas denitrification technology in the ceramic industry.

Keywords: Ceramic industry, Kiln furnace, Natural gas, Smoke denitrification, Catalysts, Anti wear device.


With a rich historical background, the ceramic industry, a traditional manufacturing sector, has steadily grown in size and advanced its technological prowess over time. This progress has been fueled by ongoing technological advancements and the rising demands of the market [1]. However, at the same time, the problem of smoke emissions generated during the production process of ceramic industry kilns has become increasingly prominent, causing significant impacts on the environment and human health that cannot be ignored. Kiln flue gas contains a large amount of pollutants, among which nitrogen oxides (NOx) are one of the main emission components [2]. Nitrogen oxides not only lead to the formation of acid rain and photochemical smog, exacerbating the deterioration of the atmospheric environment, but may also cause direct harm to the human body, such as causing respiratory diseases and reducing human immunity. Therefore, reducing the emission of nitrogen oxides in the flue gas of ceramic industry kilns is of great significance for protecting the ecological environment and human health [3]. As an effective means of reducing nitrogen oxide emissions, flue gas denitrification technology has been widely used in the ceramic industry [4]. Among them, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology has become the mainstream technology for flue gas denitrification in the ceramic industry due to its efficient and stable denitrification effect. However, in the practical application process of SCR technology, the issue of catalyst wear has always been a key factor restricting its performance.
Catalysts play a crucial role in the process of flue gas denitrification, but their surfaces are often affected by the erosion of particulate matter in the flue gas and the high temperature environment, leading to a decrease in catalyst activity and a shortened lifespan [5, 6]. This not only increases the frequency of catalyst replacement and production costs, but also affects the stable operation of the entire denitrification system. Therefore, it is urgent and important to study and apply catalyst anti wear devices to solve the problem of catalyst wear in ceramic industry flue gas denitrification. The design and application of catalyst anti-wear device aims to reduce the erosion and wear of catalyst surface by changing the airflow distribution, reducing airflow velocity, or using wear-resistant materials [7-11]. This device has significant potential in improving denitrification efficiency and extending the service life of catalysts. By reducing the wear of catalysts, not only can production costs be reduced, but the stability and reliability of the entire denitrification system can also be improved, providing strong support for the sustainable development of the ceramic industry [12].
In summary, the research and application of anti-wear devices for natural gas flue gas denitrification catalysts in ceramic industry kilns are of great significance for solving the problem of flue gas emissions in the ceramic industry, protecting the ecological environment, and human health. In the forthcoming years, as technology continues to advance and applications become more profound, it is anticipated that this field will witness even more remarkable accomplishments.

overview of denitrification technology for flue gas emissions from ceramic industry kilns

The emission of flue gas from ceramic industry kilns has its unique characteristics, mainly including complex flue gas composition, high temperature, and large flow rate changes. The flue gas mainly contains pollutants such as dust, sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx), among which NOx is the main treatment object of flue gas denitrification technology. At the same time, the temperature of flue gas emissions from ceramic kilns is usually high, which not only provides necessary heat energy for denitrification reactions, but also poses certain challenges for the selection and application of denitrification technologies.
There are currently two widely used denitrification technologies for the characteristics of flue gas emissions from ceramic industry kilns, namely selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and selective non catalytic reduction (SNCR). SCR technology utilizes the role of catalysts to reduce NOx in flue gas to harmless nitrogen and water at lower temperatures. This technology has the advantages of high denitrification efficiency and wide temperature range, but the cost of the catalyst is high and it is easily affected by sulfur and other impurities in the flue gas, leading to reduced activity or failure.
SNCR technology does not require a catalyst and reduces NOx to nitrogen and water by directly injecting reducing agents into high-temperature flue gas. This technology has the advantages of simple equipment, low investment, and low operating costs, but the denitrification efficiency is relatively low and requires high operating temperatures. Catalysts play a crucial role in flue gas denitrification, promoting the chemical reaction between nitrogen oxides (NOX) and reducing agents in flue gas through efficient catalytic action, thereby achieving the goal of denitrification. The activity, selectivity, and stability of catalysts directly determine the effectiveness of denitrification. Firstly, the activity of the catalyst determines the rate and efficiency of its catalytic reaction. Catalysts with high activity can achieve efficient denitrification at lower temperatures, thereby reducing energy consumption and operating costs. Selectivity determines the catalytic ability of the catalyst for specific reactions, avoiding the occurrence of side reactions and thus improving the purity of denitrification. Stability is related to the service life of the catalyst and the durability of the denitrification effect. However, catalysts inevitably encounter wear and tear issues during use. The main reasons for wear include particle impact in the flue gas, high flow velocity in the catalyst hole, and uneven flow field. Wear not only leads to a decrease in the active surface area of the catalyst, reducing its catalytic efficiency, but may also cause the catalyst to break and fall off, further affecting the denitrification effect. In order to solve the problem of catalyst wear, various anti wear measures have been taken. On the one hand, optimizing the structural design of catalysts to increase their impact resistance and wear resistance; On the other hand, by improving the flue gas pretreatment process, the particle content in the flue gas can be reduced, reducing the impact on the catalyst. In addition, regular inspection and replacement of severely worn catalysts are also important measures to ensure stable denitrification effects.

design and application of ceramic anti wear device

The ceramic anti wear device, as an important component of the flue gas denitrification system in the ceramic industry kiln, plays a significant role in reducing catalyst wear and improving denitrification efficiency through its design principles and applications. The following will provide a detailed introduction to the design concept, structural characteristics, and working principle of ceramic anti wear devices, and explore their specific application in ceramic industrial kilns based on practical cases.
Design Concept
The design concept of ceramic anti wear device mainly revolves around reducing the erosion and wear of catalyst by flue gas, while ensuring the smooth flow of flue gas. Its structural characteristics mainly include the selection of wear-resistant materials, reasonable structural layout, and optimized flow field design. The selection of wear-resistant materials is the key to the design of ceramic anti wear devices. Considering the characteristics of high temperature, high flow rate, and dust content in the flue gas of ceramic industry kilns, anti-wear devices are usually made of ceramic materials with high wear resistance and corrosion resistance. These materials not only have excellent wear resistance, but also maintain stable physical and chemical properties in high-temperature environments. In terms of structural layout, ceramic anti wear devices usually adopt a multi-layer structure design, which increases the tortuosity of the flue gas flow path, reduces the flue gas flow rate, and reduces the direct erosion of the catalyst by the flue gas. At the same time, the device is also equipped with auxiliary structures such as guide plates and baffles to further optimize the flow field distribution and reduce vortex and erosion phenomena.
The working principle of ceramic anti wear devices is mainly based on their structural characteristics and material properties. When the smoke passes through the anti-wear device, due to the multi-layer structure inside the device and the guidance of the guide plate, the smoke flow rate is reduced and the flow direction is adjusted. At the same time, wear-resistant ceramic materials have good resistance to the erosion and wear of flue gas, which can effectively protect the catalyst from damage. In terms of reducing catalyst wear, the ceramic anti wear device reduces the direct erosion and wear of the catalyst by reducing the flue gas flow rate and optimizing the flow field distribution. This can not only extend the service life of the catalyst, but also maintain the active surface area and catalytic efficiency of the catalyst, thereby improving the denitrification effect.
In terms of improving denitrification efficiency, the ceramic anti wear device optimizes the flow field design, making the distribution of flue gas on the catalyst surface more uniform, improving the contact area and reaction efficiency between the catalyst and flue gas. At the same time, the anti-wear device can also reduce the coverage and blockage of particles in the flue gas on the catalyst, maintain the active state of the catalyst, and further improve the denitrification efficiency.
Practical Application
Based on practical cases, the application of ceramic anti wear devices in ceramic industrial kilns shows that factors such as installation location, operation mode, and maintenance management have an important impact on the anti-wear effect and denitrification efficiency. In terms of installation position, ceramic anti wear devices are usually installed at the front or middle end of the catalyst bed to minimize the erosion and wear of the catalyst by flue gas. At the same time, it is also necessary to consider the compatibility between the device and the catalyst bed, as well as the coordination of the flow field, to ensure the maximization of anti-wear effect and denitrification efficiency.
In terms of operation, the operation of the ceramic anti wear and denitrification device needs to be coordinated with the operation status of the kiln. During the start-up and shutdown process of the kiln, it is necessary to adjust the working status of the anti-wear device appropriately to avoid excessive impact and wear on the catalyst. In terms of maintenance and management, ceramic anti wear devices need to be regularly inspected and repaired. For severely worn parts, timely replacement and repair are necessary to maintain the good working condition of the device. At the same time, it is necessary to regularly clean and replace the catalyst bed to maintain its catalytic activity and denitrification efficiency. Fig. 1 shows a comparison of the performance of ceramic anti wear and denitrification before and after optimization.
Note: The units of strength and hardness are megapascals and Rockwell hardness (HR), respectively. The lift ratio is calculated by subtracting the pre optimization value from the optimized value and then dividing it by the pre optimization value.
The appearance quality adopts a grading system, ranging from 1/10 to 10/10, where 10/10 represents the best appearance quality. Due to the rating being a discrete value, it is not possible to directly calculate the promotion ratio. Therefore, a "-" is used in the promotion ratio column to indicate that it cannot be calculated.
Figure 2 illustrates the comparison of the method’s applicability and resilience. It delineates three scenarios: Scenario A depicts the production of ceramic products under standard technical conditions, while Scenario B and Scenario C represent production in high-temperature and low-temperature environments, respectively. Using different raw materials to produce ceramic products.

Fig. 1

Comparison of application performance before and after ceramic denitrification optimization.

Fig. 2

Comparison of Method Applicability and resilience

conclusion and outlook

This article comprehensively explores the application of anti-wear devices for natural gas flue gas denitrification catalysts in the ceramic industry. Through in-depth analysis of their design principles, application effects, and optimization strategies, the important role of anti-wear devices in improving denitrification efficiency and extending catalyst service life is highlighted. The research results indicate that anti-wear devices can effectively reduce catalyst wear, thereby improving denitrification efficiency and reducing nitrogen oxide emissions. This not only helps the ceramic industry achieve green production, but also actively responds to the national call for environmental protection policies. Meanwhile, by optimizing the structure and material selection of the anti-wear device, its performance can be further improved, providing strong support for the sustainable development of the ceramic industry.
Looking ahead to the future, with the continuous improvement of environmental standards and the continuous progress of ceramic industry technology, the research and application of anti-wear devices for flue gas denitrification catalysts will face new challenges and opportunities. On the one hand, it is necessary to further deepen the research on the mechanism of catalyst wear, providing a more scientific theoretical basis for the design of anti-wear devices; On the other hand, we should actively explore the application of new materials and processes in anti-wear devices to improve their wear resistance and service life. In addition, with the development of intelligent and automated technology, future anti-wear devices are expected to achieve closer integration and intelligent control with flue gas denitrification systems. Through real-time monitoring and adjustment of operating parameters, the optimization of denitrification efficiency and the minimization of catalyst wear can be achieved.


This study is funded by the Sichuan Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project, NO. SC23TJ016.

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This Article

  • 2024; 25(3): 461-464

    Published on Jun 30, 2024

  • 10.36410/jcpr.2024.25.3.461
  • Received on May 8, 2024
  • Revised on May 22, 2024
  • Accepted on May 22, 2024

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  • Chao Zhou
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