Changrong Liua, Hongbin Tana,b,*,
Aiguo Zhengc, Xiangmei Kangc, Ao Jiangc, Rui
Fanga, Haorong Rena and Wanwei Fangd
aState Key Laboratory of Environment-friendly Energy
Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest University of
Science and Technology, Mianyang Sichuan 621010, China
bShaanxi Engineering Center of Metallurgical Sediment Resource,
Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong Shaanxi 723000, China
cDeyang Rail Co., Ltd. of Chengdu Railway, Deyang Sichuan
618007, China
dXinjiang Changji Construction Group, Changji Xinjiang
831100, China
The manufacture of sodium
sulfide through a carbon reduction process, using sodium sulfate as raw
material, generates sodium sulfide by-product sediment, which has potential
health and environmental impacts. Herein, a novel strategy is proposed to
recover sodium oxide from the sediment by using acidic treatment and the
influence of solution pH on sodium oxide content is systematically studied. The
results reveal that the sodium oxide content decreases with decreasing pH value
of the solution. At pH = 4, the as-treated sediment results in Na2O
content of 3.10 wt. %, which recovery rate is about 90%. Furthermore, the
influences of sintering temperature and time on compressive strength and bulk
density are studied. In general, the compressive strength and bulk density
increase with increasing sintering temperature and time. After sintering at
1,300 oC for 120 min, the compressive strength and bulk density
of the sintered porous ceramic are 26.66 MPa and 1.31 g/cm3,
respectively. The porous ceramic, sintered at 1,300 oC, mainly
consists of hauyne, gehlenite and hematite phases. In summary, the few flaws in
cell-walls result in high compressive strength of the as-prepared porous
Keywords: sodium sulfide, alkaline sediment, acid treatment, porous ceramic, waste utilization
One of the most important challenges in design of future
buildings is to reduce the overall energy consumption in all their life phases,
from construction to demolition [1]. The building energy consumption is mainly
caused by the high heating and air conditioning energy consumption, which can
be attributed to the high heat transfer coefficient of the traditional building
envelop [2]. Building insulation materials, including insulative composites,
offer resistance to heat flow and improve the indoor thermal environment by
decreasing the heating- and cooling-load of the buildings [3].
Porous ceramics with tunable pore structure, including size, volume,
connectivity and shape, are widely used as the thermal and acoustic insulators
in modern buildings [4]. The inorganic
ceramic materials render distinct advantages, such as stable performance, fire retardant, anti-aging and eco-friendly, which make
them promising materials for building
insulation [5].
For instance, sodium sulfide (Na2S) is widely
used in different fields, such as dying, mineral separation, pigment and rubber
products [6-8]. The manufacturing of Na2S is carried out by various
methods, including carbon reduction, hydrogen sulfide, barium sulfide and gas
reduction method. Carbon reduction is still a preferred
method to synthesis Na2S due to its simplicity
and cost-effectiveness. In carbon reduction method, sodium sulfate is reduced
with coal at high temperature to obtain black-colored sodium sulfide, which
renders further Na2S products through subsequent leaching, washing
and evaporation steps. However, the as-received sediment
(sodium sulfide by-product, 3SP) contains, Na2O, SO3,
CaO, SiO2, Al2O3 and other impurity. In
addition, the strongly alkaline sediment is dumped in large stockpiles, which
are exposed to the weathering process and exhibit potential health and
environmental hazards. Therefore, the effective reutilization of the sediment
is highly desirable from environmental and economic viewpoints.
In generally, zeolite is easy to form when fly ash is
treated in NaOH aqueous solution. The Na+ in zeolite can be
substituted by H+ or other cations. As a result, Na2O
would be retrieved by sulphuric acid treatment. In particular, it is of utmost
importance to retrieve sodium oxide (Na2O) and reutilize the
sediment to obtain lightweight building materials.
With the increasing demand for building materials, natural
resources are reaching critical and distressing levels.
Moreover, increased solid-waste and environmental concerns
have triggered widespread interest in recycling of waste
materials for a variety of applications. Hence, the utilization of solid-waste,
as a replacement of raw building materials, is desired to
protect natural resources and relieve pressure of the increasing
solid-waste [9].
One should note that the porous ceramics are prepared
from a variety of solid-waste, such as fly ash, waste-glass, germanium
tailings, etc. For instance, Wang et al. [10] have obtained insulation ceramic
tiles by using fly ash, waste-glass and clay. Similarly, Zhang et al. [11] have
synthesized glass ceramic foams by using cathode ray tube, germanium tailings,
sodium borate and NaNO3 as raw materials. Despite these preliminary
studies on utilization of solid-waste into building materials, the recycling of
sodium sulfide by-product sediment (3SP) has been rarely carried out to
fabricate porous ceramics. On the other hand, these processes are
complex and utilize multiple raw materials, resulting in increased
product cost.
Herein, we aim to retrieve sodium oxide from 3SP by
sulphuric acid treatment and only reutilize the acidulated 3SP
raw material to obtain porous ceramic materials for building applications.
Moreover, the influences of sintering temperature and time on
compressive strength, bulk density, crystal structure and
morphology of porous ceramic will be systematically studied.
Sulphuric acid (analytical grade, concentration 98%) was
provided by Chengdu Kelong Chemical Reagent Co. Ltd.,
China. 3SP was provided by Sichuan Shenhong Chemical
Industry Co., Ltd., China. The radioactivity of 3SP is not harmful to human
health as per the Chinese national standard, “Limits of radionuclides in
building materials (GB 6566-2010)”.
In a typical process, 3SP and tap water were added, with a
mass ratio of 1:5, in a beaker. Then, sulphuric acid was added to obtain a pH
value of 9, 7, 5, 4, respectively. Then, the solution was stirred and aerated
at 25 oC for 3 h. Finally, the treated samples were vacuum
filtered to obtain an green acidulated 3SP, which was dried at 105 oC
for 24 h.
The green acidulated 3SP slurry was poured into a mold
(20 × 20 × 20 mm) and shaped by externally applied pressure. The molds were removed after 24 h of
drying at 40 oC. Finally, the dried samples were loaded into a
muffle furnace and sintered at various temperatures (900, 1000, 1100 and 1,200 oC)
for different times (30, 30, 90 and 120 min).
The chemical composition of raw material was analyzed by
an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF, Axios-Poly,
PANalytical, Netherlands). The morphology was observed
by scanning electron microscopy (SEM, TM-2000/4000, Hitachi, Japan). The phase
analysis was carried out by using X-ray powder diffractometer (XRD, Ultima IV,
Rigaku, Japan), equipped with Cu Kα radiations (λ = 0.15406
nm). The compressive strength was measured by using a computer controlled
micro-electromechanical universal testing machine (104C, Shenzhen Wance Testing
Machine, China) at a loading rate of 0.02 kN/s. The density of the sintered
sample was analyzed by the Archimedes method by using tap water as the liquid
The chemical composition and X-ray diffraction (XRD)
pattern of as-received 3SP are presented in Table 1 and Fig. 1, respectively.
The as-received 3SP contains 31.81 wt.% SO3, 30.88 wt.% Na2O,
12.47 wt.% SiO2, 10.15 wt.% Al2O3, 6.69 wt.%
CaO and 6.10 wt.% Fe2O3. The major phases in 3SP are
zeolite (1.0Na2O·Al2O3·1.68SiO2·1.73H2O,
PDF 31-1270), erdite (NaFeS2·2H2O, PDF 33-1253), calcium
iron oxide (CaFeO3, PDF 41-0753), whereas minor phases are margarite
(CaAl2(Al2Si2) ·10(OH)2, PDF
74-1190), katoite (Ca3Al2O6(OH)6,
PDF 71-0735), Melanterite (FeSO4·7H2O,
PDF 76-0657) and lisetite (CaNa2Al4Si4O16,
PDF 76-0657).
The amount of sodium oxide in acidulated 3SP is presented
in Fig. 2. It can be readily observed that the sodium oxide content decreases
with decreasing pH value of the solution. The 3SP contains zeolite phase, which
can adsorb Na+ ions. When the pH values is decreased, the content of
other cations, such as Ca2+, Al3+ and Fe3+,
increase in the solution and, then, the Na+ in zeolite are
substituted by H+ or other cations. On the other hand, 3SP is
obtained from the reducing atmosphere, where the solution was aerated to
oxidize Fe2+ into Fe3+ ions and inhibit the
incorporation of ferrous cations into the filtrate. The
chemical composition of acidulated 3SP is presented in Table
1. The 3SP contains 3.10 wt.% Na2O after treating in a
solution with pH = 4, which Na2O recovery rate is about 90%. Under
decreasing pH values, more cations, such as Al3+, Fe3+
and Ca2+, incorporate into the filtrate, which implies that the
optimal pH value of 4 should be used for further experiments.
The compressive strength and bulk density of the porous
ceramic samples, sintered at different temperatures for
2 h, are presented in Fig. 3. It can be readily observed
that the compressive strength and bulk density increase with increasing
sintering temperature. In particular, the compressive strength and bulk density
rapidly increase after sintering in the temperature range of 1,200 to 1,300 oC.
After sintering at 1,200 oC and 1,300 oC, the
compressive strength and bulk density of porous ceramic are 5.92 and 26.66 MPa, and 1.24 and 1.31 g/cm3, respectively. However, a further
increase in sintering temperature
(1,400 oC) results in the appearance deformation of the cubic
sample. Hence, the optimal sintering temperature of 1,300 oC is
used for further analysis.
The XRD patterns of the porous ceramic samples, sintered
at different temperatures, are presented in Fig. 4. After
sintering at 900 oC for 2 h, the as-prepared sample exhibits
the presence of hauyne (Na6Ca2Al6Si6O24(SO4)2,
anhydrite (Ca(SO4), PDF#72-0916) and
hematite (Fe2O3, PDF#85-0599) phases. However, the
diffraction peaks of anhydrite become weaker with increasing sintering
temperature due to anhydrite decomposition. After sintering at 1,200 oC
for 2 h, the anhydrite phase has been observed as the minor phase, whereas the
hauyne and hematite phases have been observed as the major phases. One should
note that the hematite diffraction peaks originate from the presence of
iron-based compounds in 3SP.
However, the as-prepared sample, sintered at 1,200 oC,
exhibits inferior compressive strength due to the absence of liquid phase
sintering and anhydrite decom-
position. However, the samples have demonstrated obvious matrix
densification and volumetric shrinkage after being sintered at 1,300 oC,
which can be ascribed to the liquid-phase sintering due to liquid phase
The compressive strength and bulk density of the samples,
sintered at 1,300 oC for different times, are presented
in Fig. 5. One should note that the compressive strength and
bulk density exhibit a direct relationship with sintering time. At the
sintering time of 90 min, the compressive strength and bulk density are 18.88
MPa and 1.051 g/cm3, respectively, which increase to 26.66 MPa and
1.31 g/cm3 after being sintering at 1,300 oC for 120
The XRD patterns of the porous ceramic samples, sintered
at 1,300 oC for different times, are presented in Fig. 6. After
sintering at 1,300 oC for 30 min, the as-prepared
sample exhibits hauyne (Na6Ca2Al6Si6O24(SO4)2,
gehlenite (Ca2Al(AlSi)O7, PDF#89-5917) and hematite (syn, Fe2O3, PDF#89-0596)
phases. However, unlike sintering at
1,200 oC, these phases do not change with sintering time.
The SEM images of the porous ceramic samples, sintered at
1,300 oC for different times, are shown in Fig. 7. It can be readily
observed that the pore number decrease with increasing holding
time. Initially, the pore size increases with increasing
holding time, follows by a gradual decrease. Once the holding time is increased
to 90 min, the coalescence phenomenon occurred, i.e., smaller pores
tend to dissolve in larger pores, to decrease the surface
energy of the system. The number of tiny pores in the cell walls (struts),
which limit the strength of porous ceramic, also decrease due to sintering.
It is worth mentioning that the foaming agents are usually
used to prepare porous ceramics [12]. Herein, the acidulated 3SP sediment
contains calcium sulfate, which decomposes at ~1,200 oC. As a
result, the as-generated SO2 gas is besieged by the softened glass
phase, which acts as a foaming agent and results in a porous structure.
However, the resulting pores exhibit a less uniform pore size and aspherical
morphology due to insufficient liquid-phase at high temperature (1,300 oC).
The type of porous structure and cell-walls determine the
mechanical strength of porous ceramic. For instance, Kazantseva
et al. [13] have obtained lightweight porous ceramics by
alkaline activation of zeolite, which rendered high
strength and low density due to the microporous structure of the zeolite. Herein,
the as-receive 3SP also contains zeolite phase, which might have a positive influence
on porous structure and mechanical properties. However,
this is beyond the scope of current research and shall be studied in future
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Fig. 1 XRD pattern of sodium sulfide by-product sediment. |
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Fig. 2 Sodium oxide content of the different acidulated 3SP samples. |
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Fig. 3 Compressive strength and density of the porous ceramic samples sintered at different temperature for 2 h. |
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Fig. 4 XRD patterns of the porous ceramic samples sintered at different temperature for 2 h. |
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Fig. 5 Compressive strength and bulk density of the porous ceramic samples sintered at 1,300 oC for different time. |
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Fig. 6 XRD patterns of the porous ceramic samples sintered at 1,300 oC for different time. |
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Fig. 7 SEM images of the porous ceramic sample sintered at 1,300 oC for different time. |
The sodium oxide contents decrease with decreasing pH
value of the 3SP solution, which pH value is changed by adding sulphuric acid.
The acidulated 3SP exhibits 3.10 wt.% Na2O after being treated with
sulphuric solution (pH = 4), which Na2O recovery rate is
about 90%. The compressive strength and bulk density of porous
ceramic sample increase with increasing sintering temperature and holding time.
Moreover, the compressive strength of porous ceramic sample has exhibited a
direct relationship with its bulk density. After sintering
at 1,300 oC for 120 min, the compressive
strength and bulk density of sample are 26.66 MPa and 1.31 g/cm3,
respectively. Moreover, the porous ceramic sample consists of hauyne, gehlenite
and hematite phases. The few flaws are observed in porous ceramic cell-walls,
which ceramic has high compressive strength.
This work was supported by the Research Fund of the
Sichuan Science and Technology Program of China (2019YFG0518) and Natural
Science Foundation of Southwest University of Science and Technology
2020; 21(3): 365-370
Published on Jun 30, 2020
and discussion
aState Key Laboratory of Environment-friendly Energy Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang Sichuan 621010, China
bShaanxi Engineering Center of Metallurgical Sediment Resource, Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong Shaanxi 723000, China
Tel : +86 816 2419201
Fax: +86 816 2419201