Hyun-Gi Joa, Geon-Hyoung Anb and
Hyo-Jin Ahna,b,*
aDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering,
Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul 01811, Korea
bProgram of Materials Science & Engineering,
Convergence Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Biomaterials, Seoul
National University of Science and Technology, Seoul 01811, Korea
Carbon used as an electrode
material for lithium ion batteries (LIBs) is being continually developed to
improve its electrochemical performance and lower its cost. Recently, many
attempts to achieve high capacity and high-rate cycling stability in carbon
materials have been made. However, carbon materials still face major problems,
such as limited raw material resources, a high temperature process, and a
complex synthesis method. Herein, to solve these problems, we report an
approach to synthesizing tunable ternary (boron, phosphorus, and
nitrogen)-doped carbon derived from tofu using a simple doping process. Tunable
ternary-doped carbon materials, which show a synergistic effect when used with
protein-based tofu, including N and the introduced heteroatoms (B and P), are
successfully synthesized. The tunable ternary doped carbon materials showed
improved specific capacity (381 mAh g-1 after 100 cycles at 100 mA g-1) and excellent high-rate cycling stability (190 mAh g-1 after 400 cycles at 2000 mA g-1). These results were attributed to the synergetic
effect of enhanced carbon conductivity from B-doping, increased functional
groups from P-doping, and an increase in the number of active sites from
N-doping. Therefore, tunable ternary-doped carbon materials derived from tofu
may be used as a potential electrode for high-performance LIBs.
Keywords: Lithium ion batteries, Carbon, Heteroatom doping, Synergistic effect, High-rate performance
Lithium ion batteries (LIBs), which are mainly used in
portable electronic devices such as smart phones, laptops, and tablet PCs, are
eco-friendly energy storage devices due to their high energy density
(theoretical specific capacity of 372 mAh g-1)
and cycle stability (80% of the original capacity after 300 cycles)
compared with other commercial rechargeable
batteries [1]. Recently, studies on LIBs for application in
electric vehicles (EVs) have been actively studied [2, 3]. However,
despite various efforts, the performance improvement in LIBs for
EVs has not yet met requirements. For example, for use in practical EVs, the
relevant technologies still require an anode, a cathode, an electrolyte, and a
current collector. Synthetic graphite fabricated from the heat treatment of
pith or coke at a high temperature (above 1,000 oC) is
currently used as a commercial anode [4]. However, for synthetic graphite,
problems such as limited raw materials, complex processes, high production
cost, and high-temperature synthesis have still not been solved.
Recently, various bio-materials such as crops, including the
seeds and shells of plants, and nutrients, including carbohydrates
and sugars (glucose, starch, and cellulose), have been
used as a carbon-based anode replacement for synthetic graphite [5-11]. They
have attracted considerable attention because they are plentiful natural
resources, and the cost of manufacturing with these materials is low. Tofu,
which is made from soybean, has also been used as bio-material. Tofu is
composed of protein, fat, and water. Furthermore, tofu consisting of amino
acid-based protein can be carbonized in an inert gas [12-15].
Recently, to improve the performance of energy storage
devices including LIBs, strategies such as heteroatom doping,
plasma treatment, and nano-structured composition have been
tried [16-18]. Of these strategies, heteroatom doping has received considerable
attention for use in LIBs due to its resulting high energy density and excellent
cycle stability. For example, Bulusheva et al.
synthesized multi-walled nitrogen-doped carbon (CNx) nanotubes
using an aerosol-assistanted catalytic chemical vapor
deposition technique, together with 270 mAh g-1
at a current density of 0.2 mA cm-2
[19]. Zhang et al. synthesized phosphorus-doped
graphene through thermal annealing and the triphenylphosphine
(TPP) method, which was observed to be 460 mAh g-1
at a current density of 0.1 mA g-1
[20]. Despite these efforts, further study to enhance
electrochemical performance by using ternary doping in LIBs remains a critical
In this study, we performed
tunable ternary doping of protein-based carbon derived from tofu for LIBs using
carbonization. Heteroatom doping of carbon derived from tofu can be an
effective preparation for a LIB anode. It can also overcome the critical
problems of carbon-based materials with
its environmental friendliness, simple manufacturing process, high energy density, and excellent cycle stability.
Also, additional heteroatoms, including B and P, were used to improve conductivity along with
the carbon, and to enhance the functional groups on the carbon surface.
The tofu used to fabricate the carbon was purchased from Pulmuone
Co., Ltd. (Korea). The tofu was stirred with phosphorus red (P4,
Aladdin, 98.5%) for 2 h. After the tofu was mixed with phosphorus red, it was
dried in an oven at 80 oC until any moisture was removed, and
then stabilized at 400 oC in air. The stabilized tofu was
acid-treated using nitric acid (HNO3, Junsei, 66%) to remove
impurities. The tofu with impurities removed was ball-milled by adding boric
acid (H3BO---3, Aldrich, 99.99%). Carbonization was
performed at 800 oC under a nitrogen atmosphere. Finally, four
different types of samples were produced, and are referred to as N-doped C,
B@N-doped C, P@N-doped C, and B@P@N-doped C.
The structures and morphologies of the samples were
characterized by field-scanning electron microscopy (FESEM, Hitachi S-4800) and
transmission electron microscopy (TEM,
MULTI/TEM; Tecnai G2) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (TEM-EDS mapping, Philips CM20T/STEM). To demonstrate the contents,
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in a temperature range of 200 to 900 oC
at a heating rate of 10 oC min-1
in air was performed.
The crystal structures and chemical bonding states of the samples were examined by X-ray diffractometry (XRD, Rigaku
D/Max-2500 diffractometer using Cu Ka radiation) in the range of 10° to 90° with a step size of 0.02° and X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS,
ESCALAB 250 equipped with an Al Ka X-ray source), respectively. All
electrochemical measurement tests were performed using coin cells (CR2032,
Hohsen Corporation), which consisted of tunable ternary doped carbon materials
as the anode, Li metal foil (Honjo Chemical, 99.8%) as the cathode, a porous
polypropylene membrane (Celgard 2400) as the separator, and a 1.0 M LiPF6
solution in a mixture of ethylene carbonate and dimethyl carbonate (1:1) as the
electrolyte. The ternary-doped carbon
materials were fabricated from a paste slurry with a mixture of active
materials (70 wt%), PVDF (20 wt%) as the binder, and Ketjen
black (10 wt%) as the conducting material. These were dissolved in
N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone solvent (NMP,
Aldrich), and the paste slurry was coated on a Cu foil substrate (Nippon Foil,
18 mm) as the current collector. The prepared electrodes were dried in an oven at 100 oC for 12
h. All coin cells were assembled in a high-purity argon-filled glove box. To
investigate the electrochemical kinetics of the prepared electrodes, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements were performed in the frequency
range of 105 to 10-2
Hz by using an AC signal of 5 mV. The discharge-charge tests were
performed using a battery cycler system (WonATech Corp., WMPG 3000) in the
potential range of 0.0–3.0 V (versus Li/Li+) at
25 oC in an incubator. The cycling stability was investigated
for up to 100 cycles at a current density of 100 mA g-1.
The high-rate cycling performance was measured at current
densities of 100, 300, 500, 700, 1,000, and 2,000 mA g-1.
The ultrafast performance of the samples was measured for up to 400 cycles at
current densities of 2,000 mA g-1.
Fig. 1 shows a schematic illustration of amino acids,
N-doped carbon, B and N-doped carbon, P and N-doped carbon, and tunable ternary
(B, P, and N)-doped carbon. The amino acids, as a component of proteins,
consist of both amino and carboxyl groups, which can be carbonized to serve as
sites for doping elements (Fig. 1a). Carbon derived from tofu was made into N-doped
carbon due to the nitrogen in the amino acid [13, 21]. The N-doped carbon
produced during the carbonization process has a graphite lattice structure [22]. In
particular, the N atoms have three different arrangements, depending on their
doping positions (Fig. 1b). Specifically, they are classified as graphite-N
when located on the bulk or edge in the carbon lattice plane, as pyridine-N
atoms when bonded to two C atoms in the formation of one π electron, and as
pyrrolic-N atoms when combined with two C atoms located in the heterocyclic
ring of the carbon lattice plane [23]. In the case of graphitic-N, they are
situated by replacing the C atom with the N atom in the carbon lattice plane.
Moreover, the electronegativity of the N atom (3.04) is higher than that of the
C atom (2.55), so the N atom can locally control the electronic properties of
the carbon lattice plane [24, 25]. The B atoms are present in the C sp2
frame of three different B-C groups (BC3, BCO2,
and BC2O), and the B-O bonds are formed by an electron state
transformation at the edges of the carbon lattice structure [26, 27]. In
addition, the B atoms induce the electron density state of the C atoms, causing
a transition in the electronic structure (Fig. 1c). Finally, the P atoms in the
carbon lattice plane represent the four structures of the P-C groups (PCO2,
PCO3, PC2O, and PC2O2). In general,
when the P atoms replace the two edge carbon atoms, oxygen-containing
functional groups (-OH, -O, and =O) are formed in the carbon lattice structure
[28, 29]. The oxygen-containing functional groups can improve electrochemical
performance because they facilitate the charge connection by improving the
wettability of the electrolyte (Fig.
1d). Thus, tunable ternary-doped carbon
exhibits a synergistic doping structure comprised of an improvement in the active sites from N-doping,
improved electrical conductivity from B-doping, and an increase in the number of oxygen-containing
functional groups from P-doping (Fig.
Fig. 2(a–d) shows the SEM images obtained from N-doped
C, B@N-doped C, P@N-doped C, and B@P@N-doped C. The diameters of
the samples were ~371.6–560.3 nm, ~365.5–587.7 nm, ~343.3–552.9 nm, and ~370.6–542.1 nm, respectively. All samples showed a
semi-block morphology, and there was no difference in the particle shape
according to the different types of doping elements. To further investigate the
structural properties and morphology of the tunable ternary doped carbon, TEM
measurements were taken. Fig. 3 exhibits low-resolution (Fig. 3a) and
high-resolution (Fig. 3b) TEM images and TEM-EDS mapping (Fig. 3c) obtained
from B@P@N-doped C. In Fig. 3(a), the particles can be observed in a
semi-block-like structure consisting of various particle sizes. The
high-resolution TEM image in Fig. 3(b)
indicates that distinct corrugations
were also observed on the surface of the B@P@N-doped C. The corrugated surface
structure due to the addition of the doping element could be entirely exposed
to reactant molecules from the increase in the number of active sites and
functional groups (i.e., N, P-doped carbon), and B-doped carbon could improve
enhanced carbon conductivity [20, 30]. In Fig. 3(c), to demonstrate the
distribution of C, N, B, and P atoms in B@P@N-doped C, TEM-EDS mapping is
shown. The EDS results indicate that due to the addition of doping elements,
the B and P atoms were uniformly distributed along with the carbon. Also, the N
atoms were uniformly dispersed along the carbon due to the N-containing amino
Fig. 4(a) shows the TGA measurements for the content of
the samples. The overall graph of all samples exhibited weight loss with an
increase in temperature. However, the thermogravimetric reduction starting at
around 450 oC and ending at around 600 oC shows
a slight difference for the different doping elements. This is because of the
difference in atomic structural defects inherent in the bonding of carbon [31].
In particular, B@P@N-doped C shows a weight loss starting at the lowest
temperature, due to the increased atomic structural defects. This result
implies that tunable ternary-doped carbon derived from tofu can be successfully
fabricated by carbonization. Fig. 4(b) shows the XRD patterns of the samples.
All samples exhibit wide peaks at approximately 25°, corresponding to the (002) plane of graphite. These peaks show a
lower-angle shift in the (002) plane because of the doping effect. The peaks
appear at ~25.2° for N-doped C, ~25.0° for B@N-doped C, ~24.8° for P@N-doped C, and ~24.4° for B@P@N-doped C [32]. Therefore, the successful synthesis of
carbon doped with B, P, and N elements simultaneously was confirmed by TGA and
XRD measurements.
To further confirm the incorporation of heteroatoms into
the carbon derived from tofu, the chemical bonding states of the samples were
examined by XPS measurements, as shown in Fig. 5. The decomposition of the C1s
spectra of all samples (Fig. 5a-d) shows four peaks of C-C groups at ~284.5 eV,
C-N groups at ~285.3 eV, C-O groups at ~286.6 eV, and N=C-O
groups at ~289.0 eV, respectively [33]. Fig. 5(e-h) shows N 1s peaks in the XPS
spectra, and the decomposition of N can be observed in four signal peaks,
including for pyridinic-N at ~398.4 eV, pyrrolic-N at ~400.0 eV, graphitic-N at
~401.0 eV, and pyridinic-N-O at ~403.0 eV. The decomposition of
pyridinic-N and pyrrolic-N to doped-N sites originated from the amino acids
contributing to the increase in the number of active sites by breaking the
carbon bonding [24, 25]. In Fig. 5(i-l), the B 1s XPS spectra exhibit three
types of B bonding states formed at the edge of the carbon lattice structure.
Although this result was not observed for the N-doped C and P@N-doped C samples
without an additional B source (Fig. 5i and 5k), the B-doped C and B@P@N-doped
C samples were observed (Fig. 5j and l) and indicated BC3 peaks at
~191.3 eV, BC2O at ~192.5 eV, and BCO2 at ~193.8 eV,
respectively. The B atoms result in a modified electronic structure that
exchanges C atoms and improves electron acceptability [34]. Also, Fig. 5(m–p)
shows the P 2p XPS spectrum of the samples. P@N-doped C and N@B@P-doped C show
a signal of ~133.0 eV, corresponding to covalent P-C bonding states. This
indicates that the doping of P atoms induced by CH4 cracking at a
high temperature above 700 oC is incorporated into the edge of
the graphite layer. In particular, P-C bonding states can be generated at the
edge by P doping to produce an O-containing functional group, which leads to
improved electrochemical performance due to the increase in wettability [35,
36]. Thus, tunable ternary (B, P, and N)-doped carbon derived from tofu was
confirmed by XPS analysis.
Fig. 6(a) shows the cycling performance of N-doped C,
B@N-doped C, P@N-doped C, and B@P@N-doped C electrodes at a current density of
100 mA g-1
for up to 100 cycles in the potential range of 0.0–3.0 V (vs, Li/Li+).
The specific discharge capacities of the electrodes were 512 mAh g-1
for N-doped C, 879 mAh g-1
for B@N-doped C, 1070 mAh g-1
for P@N-doped C, and 1137 mAh g-1
for B@P@N-doped C in the first cycle. These
high values are mainly due to the direct formation of a solid electrolyte
interface (SEI) layer at the carbon interface, which stores the charge through
an interfacial charging. The SEI layer is generally formed during the first
cycle due to the reductive decomposition of electrolyte at the electrode
surface, resulting in low initial Coulombic efficiency at the
first cycle
[42]. Nonetheless, B@P@N-doped C showed a highest initial Coulombic efficiency
of 57.1% as compared to P@N-doped C (48.6%),
B@N-doped C (44.1%) and N-doped C (38.6%). These results indicate that the
additional doping sites within the carbon lattice can effectively improve the
initial Coulomb efficiency of electrodes due to a low energy barrier for the
Li-ion insertion. In addition, all the electrodes reached almost 100% coulombic efficiency after 5 cycles, which
suggests the high reversibility. In
addition, after the first 100 cycles,
the specific discharge capacities of the electrodes were 162 mAh g-1
for N-doped C, 279 mAh g-1
for B@N-doped C, 303 mAh g-1
for P@N-doped C, and 381 mAh g-1
for B@P@N-doped C. Except for the N-doped C, the samples exhibited
specific capacities superior to that of the commercial graphite electrode (196
mAh g-1
after 100 cycles) [37]. In other words, B@N-doped C and P@N-doped C showed
higher initial and final specific discharge capacities than N-doped C, which
was related to the improved electron mobility from doped B atoms, and the
increase in the number of functional groups on the carbon surface by doped P
atoms [19, 20, 31]. Furthermore, B@P@N-doped C showed the highest initial and
final specific discharge capacities compared with the electrodes fabricated
with doped B or P elements because of the synergistic effect of tunable ternary
doping in carbon derived from tofu. Fig. 6(b) shows the rate
performance obtained at current densities of 100, 300, 700, 1,000,
1,500, and 2,000 mA g-1.
All samples exhibit gradually decreasing specific
capacities as the current density increases. Also, B atom or
P atom doped carbon shows higher specific discharge capacities than N-doped carbon
because of the enhanced carbon conductivity from B-doping, and the increase in
the number of functional groups on the carbon surface from P-doping. In
particular, the B@P@N-doped C electrode
shows the highest specific capacities (438, 338, 276, 249, 221, and 202 mAh g-1
at current densities of 100, 300, 700, 1000, 1500, and 2000 mA g-1,
respectively). Subsequently, when the current density returned to 100 mA g-1,
B@P@N-doped C recovered to 435 mAh g-1,
which indicated 99% retention of the original specific capacity. This
performance improvement is because of the synergistic effect of the enhanced
carbon conductivity from the B-doping and increase in the number of functional
groups from P-doping, as well as increase in the number of active sites from N-doping.
To demonstrate the cycle stability of the electrodes in Fig. 6(c), all
electrodes were tested for up to 400 cycles at a high current density of 2000
mA g-1.
N-doped C shows only 95 mAh g-1
after 400 cycles, which implies low cycle stability compared with the other
samples. The specific discharge capacities after 400 cycles were 149 mAh g-1
for B@N-doped C, and 166 mAh g-1
for P@N-doped C. Furthermore, B@P@N-doped C was observed to have a specific
discharge capacity of 190 mAh g-1
after 400 cycles at 2,000 mA g-1,
indicating the best specific capacity and the best cycle stability
among the samples. Fig. 6(d) shows the Nyquist plots of all
electrodes in the frequency range of 105 to 10-2
Hz at an open circuit potential [38]. In the measurement
graph, the semicircle in the high-frequency region is ascribed to the
charge transfer resistance (Rct) at the anode and electrolyte
interface, and the straight line in the low-frequency region is called the
Warburg impedance, corresponding to Li ion diffusion at the anode. N-doped C
shows the highest Rct and Warburg impedance compared with the other
samples. B@N-doped C exhibits improved kinetics in
electrode from increased carbon conductivity, implying a fast and
stable reaction on the electrode surface due to the
increased charge transfer rate [39, 40]. The P@N-doped C
showed an ideal vertical slope for Warburg impedance because of the increase in
the number of functional groups, which can improve the contact performance
between the electrode and the electrolyte [41].
Furthermore, B@P@N-doped C showed significantly increased
charge transfer kinetics and functionality compared with other electrodes due
to the synergistic effect of B and P doping. For this reason, LIBs
fabricated with B@P@N-doped C can exhibit improved specific capacity
and high-rate cycling performance. Fig. 6(e, f) shows typical voltage capacity
profiles of N-doped C and B@P@N-doped C electrodes at a current density of
100 mA g-1
in the potential range of 0.05–3.0 V for 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd cycles. During the first discharge process, both electrodes
showed a voltage plateau slope under 1.0 V. The flat voltage
plateau is considered as a general phenomenon in
carbon-based electrodes, which is caused by the
formation of the SEI layer and the irreversibility of Li ion insertion into the
carbon lattice [43, 44]. The initial discharge and charge capacities
are 512.6 mAh g-1
and 201.5 mAh g-1
for N-doped C, and 1137.8 mAh g-1
and 536.4 mAh g-1
of B@P@N-doped C, corresponding to the Coulombic efficiency of
39.3% and 44.1%, respectively. These results indicate that the improved energy
storage performance of the B@P@N-doped C electrodes are due to the introduction of additional doping sites to decrease energy barriers on Li ion
Thus, we have demonstrated enhanced lithium storage performance
using a designed ternary doping system, which can be provide advantages as
follows. Protein-based carbon derived from tofu demonstrated an increased
number of active sites on its surface after N-doping in amino acid, which
improved the specific discharge capacity. Furthermore, the B and P elements in
the B@P@N-doped C provided a fast diffusion path and increased the number of
contact sites for Li ions due to enhanced electrical
conductivity and the increase in the number of functional groups,
thereby greatly improving the high-rate cycling performance.
Therefore, B@P@N-doped C derived from tofu could be a potential electrode for
high-performance LIBs.
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Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of N, B, and P doping system in the carbon lattice structure. |
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Fig. 2 (a–d) FESEM images of N-doped C, B@N-doped C, P@N-doped C, and B@P@N-doped C. |
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Fig. 3 (a) Low-magnification and (b) high-magnification TEM images, and (c) TEM-EDS mapping result obtained from B@P@Ndoped C. |
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Fig. 4 (a) TGA curves and (b) XRD patterns of N-doped C, B@N-doped C, P@N-doped C, and B@P@N-doped C. |
![]() |
Fig. 5 XPS spectra results of (a–d) C 1s, (e–h) N 1s, (i–l) B 1s, and (m–p) P 2p of N-doped C, B@N-doped C, P@N-doped C, and B@P@Ndoped C. |
![]() |
Fig. 6 (a) cycling performance at a current density of 100 mA g−1 for up to 100 cycles, (b) Rate-performance at current densities of 100, 300, 700, 1000, 1500, and 2000 mA g−1, (c) high-rate cycling performance at 2000 mA g−1 for up to 400 cycles, (d) Nyquist plots in the frequency range of 105 to 10−2 Hz at an open circuit potential, and Charge-discharge curves of (e) N-doped C and (f) B@P@N-doped C electrodes at the current density of 100 mA g−1 in the potential range of 0.05–3.0 V for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cycles. |
Tunable ternary (B, P, and N) doped carbon was
successfully prepared with a sequential doping process and carbonization. The
B@P@N-doped C electrode exhibited a high specific discharge capacity (381 mAh g-1
at 100 mA g-1
after 100 cycles). Moreover, this electrode showed outstanding cycling
stability at a high current rate (190 mAh g-1
after 400 cycles at 2,000 mA g-1).
The superior electrochemical performance can be explained by the following: (i)
excellent specific discharge capacities resulted from the increase in active
carbon sites due to the N-doped carbon derived from the amino acid in Tofu, and
(ii) the outstanding high-rate cycling performance was associated with enhanced
carbon conductivity from B-doping and the increase in the number of functional
groups on the carbon surface by P-doping. Therefore, tunable ternary-doped
carbon may be used as a candidate anode material in the development of
high-rate cycling LIBs.
This work was supported by the
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea
government (MSIT) (No. 2019R1 A2 C1005836).
2020; 21(S1): 1-8
Published on May 31, 2020
aDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul 01811, Korea
bProgram of Materials Science & Engineering, Convergence Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Biomaterials, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul 01811, Korea
Tel : +82-2-970-6622
Fax: +82-2-973-6657