This paper reports the formation of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) reinforced porous Al2O3 ceramics by a novel combination ofthree processes. Porous ceramics are developed using direct foaming. Cobalt nanoparticles as catalysis agents aresimultaneously synthesized and dispersed by colloidal process to prepare the suitable catalyst material for carbon nanotubessynthesis. The catalytic chemical vapour deposition (CCVD) technique is used to directly synthesize CNTs within the porousceramics and the effect of growth time on the morphology, crystallinity and yield of CNTs are investigated. Hertzianindentations are used to evaluate the damage behaviour under constrained loading conditions. The mechanical behaviour fromindentation load-displacement curves is compared according to CNTs contents in the samples.
Keywords: Carbon nanotubes, Porous ceramics, Colloidal process, Hertzian method, Quasi-plastic behaviour