  • Study on crystallization kinetics and curing mechanism of the multiple heavy metals in slag glass-ceramics
  • Yongsheng Dua,*, Ying Weia, Zhicheng Zhenga, Yuhang Guoa, Hongxia Zhanga, Leibo Denga, Hua Chena and Ming Zhaob

  • aCollege of Science, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, China
    bSchool of Material and Metallurgy (School of Rare Earth), Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou, 014010, China

  • This article is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


In this paper, manganese-containing blast furnace slag (MBFS) was used as the main raw material and Cr2O3 was used as the nucleating agent to prepare MBFS glass-ceramic by melting method. The influence of multiple heavy metal ions on the crystallization characteristics, physical and chemical properties of glass-ceramic was studied by adding CuO and ZnO, and the existence of multiple heavy metal ions in glass-ceramic and its curing effect were determined. The results showed that Cr was the key element for crystallization of glass-ceramic, which can enable volume crystallization to occur. The glass-ceramics with diopside as the main crystalline phase had excellent comprehensive physical and chemical properties. The results of TCLP heavy metal leaching experiments also confirmed that spinel crystal wrapped by diopside and glass phase can produce an excellent solidification effect on multiple heavy metals.

Keywords: MBFS, Glass-ceramic, Multiple heavy metal ions, Solidification.

This Article

  • 2024; 25(2): 268-277

    Published on Apr 30, 2024

  • 10.36410/jcpr.2024.25.2.268
  • Received on Jan 18, 2024
  • Revised on Mar 5, 2024
  • Accepted on Mar 19, 2024

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  • Yongsheng Du
  • College of Science, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, China
    Tel : +86-472-5954358 Fax: +86-472-5954358

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