The quality and durability of the adhesion between calcium-silicate cements and the restorative material are important, both for the durability of the healing and the clinical success outcome.The aim is to analyze the shear bond strength and quality of the interface between composite restorative material and new bioactive material and Biodentine at the same conditions. The used pulp-capping materials: conventional Biodentine and the new hybrid biomaterial BioCal-Cap. In this study, only one type of adhesive system and one resin-based composite have been used. For this purpose, 60 molds were prepared and divided into four groups. Half of them were filled with Biodentine and the other 30 with BioCal-Cap. The shear bond strength between calcium-silicate cements and the composite material was investigated. The Mann-Whitney test and the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test were used for statistical analysis of the results. The results of the analyses show a statistically significant difference in shear bond strength between the two groups (p<0.05). In all selected specimens with Biodentine, upon immediate restoration with composite material, cracks of different lengths and sizes were observed in the pulp capping material. Fewer cracks were recorded in the samples with delayed restoration using composite material. The data clearly show that the time of the composite material placement does not affect the shear bond strength in each of the observed groups. In selected specimens with Biodentine, upon immediate restoration with composite material, cracks of different lengths and sizes were observed in the pulp capping material. Fewer cracks were recorded in the samples with delayed restoration using composite material
Keywords: Pulp-capping materials, Composite material, Shear bond strength