Injun Jeona, Jin Hyun Hwanga, Tae Gyun Kima, Linghong Yina, Hyung Woo Leea,b, Jong Pil Kimc, Hyung Soo Ahnd and Chae Ryong Choa,b,*
aDepartment of Nano Fusion Technology, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, S. Korea
bDepartment of Nanoenergy Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, S. Korea
cBusan Center, Korea Basic Science Institute, Busan 46742, S. Korea
dDepartment of Electronic Materials Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan 49112, S. Korea
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Peony flower-like γ-Ga2O3 nanosheets (γ-Ga2O3 NSs) were synthesized and carbon layers were coated on their surfaces using a simple hydrothermal process with subsequent carbonization. The γ-Ga2O3 NSs comprised ultrathin layers, which are tens of nanometers in thickness. The carbon-coated γ-Ga2O3 NS (γ-Ga2O3@C NS) electrode exhibited a specific capacity of 598 mAh g-1 at 200 cycles, at a current density of 0.5 A g-1, higher than that of γ-Ga2O3 NSs (60 mAh g-1). Furthermore, a specific capacity of 100 mAh g-1 at 5 A g-1 was achieved owing to the low charge transfer resistance through the carbon layers. This study suggests that two-dimensional γ-Ga2O3@C NSs with both large specific area and high charge carrier transport are promising active materials for lithium-ion battery anodes with better electrochemical performance
Keywords: Lithium-ion battery, Anode, γ-Ga2O3, Carbon coating, Electrochemical performance
2021; 22(2): 192-199
Published on Apr 30, 2021
aDepartment of Nano Fusion Technology, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, S. Korea
bDepartment of Nanoenergy Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, S. Korea
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