Young Jun Jooa,b, Kwang Youn Chob,* and Cheol Jin Kima,*
aResearch Institute of Green Energy Convergence Technology, Gyeongsang National Univ., Jinju 52828, Korea
bCeramic Fiber & Composites Center, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, Jinju 52851, Korea
Silicon carbide (SiC) fibers fabricated by melt-spinning, curing, and pyrolysis of polycarbosilane (PCS) as a ceramic precursor were used to fabricate the heat-generating mats by interaction with microwave. In this study, the effect of pyrolysis temperature on heat-generating temperature of SiC fiber mats was investigated to optimize the performance of mats via microstructure control in the fiber. SiC fibers synthesized at high pyrolysis temperature contained a relatively low oxygen content due to the residual oxygen release in the form of SiO and CO gases. The optimization of the elemental composition in SiC fiber by minimizing oxygen level enable the maximum heat-generating temperature and life-time of the SiC fiber mats under microwave. Also, the polymer-derived SiC fiber mats exhibited both oxidative- or thermal-degradation due to the non-uniform heat-generating by the edge effect under microwave.
Keywords: SiC fiber, Microwave, Heat-generating, Morphology, Degradation
2019; 20(5): 563-569
Published on Oct 31, 2019
aResearch Institute of Green Energy Convergence Technology, Gyeongsang National Univ., Jinju 52828, Korea
bCeramic Fiber & Composites Center, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, Jinju 52851, Korea
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